Webmaster meeting singer Steve Byrne.

In october 2006 the Webmaster of this page paid a visit to Steve Byrne, the singer of Freeze Frame. Even toe we`ve had a lot of contact through the mailservice, we haven`t had the opportunity to meet until now. 

At last.. Steve Byrne & Jon Arne Madsų

We first met at Feathers Hotel in Liverpool, where I was living with my Norwegian friends Erik and Paal. Steve then took us to Wrexham, where he lives today with his wife Janet and her kids. In their house we had a pleasant evening together, with Steve & Janet and some friends of them. 

Jon Arne, Janet and Steve.

The next evening we met again, this time in Liverpool. We went to different bars to chat and have some drinks. The evening turned out really nice, where everybody was smiling, and having a good laugh. Steve and me had much in common, and a lot to talk about. I`ve never drinked much Guinness before, but this evening I had a lot of it. 

The Norwegian - British friendship. Jon Arne, Erik, Janet & Steve.

We also met the day after at a bar called Hanover. A place we visited the night before. 

While we were in Liverpool we also went to see Liverpool against Aston Villa, which turned out really well (3-0). And we took the Magical mystery Tour. Since I was a child I`ve been a big fan of The Beatles, so it was nice to have the opportunity to see the famous places where the boys used to be when they lived in Liverpool. 

It won`t take long until we meet again, as Steve & Janet has promised to visit Norway real soon.

                                               Jon Arne